جامعة الحسن الثاني الدار البيضاء

7th edition of the JASSY SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 – Iasi, Romania – Université Hassan 2 de Casablanca


Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, is pleased to announce its 7th edition of the JASSY Summer School – a Journey through life and hard sciences, economics, Social sciences and the tourism industry, to be held between 8 and 19 July 2024.

Students looking for an academically and socio-culturally stimulating learning experience are invited to join us by signing up for one of the JASSY modules on offer :

Should you be interested in earning academic credits while enjoying a wide range of daily recreational and networking activities, you are invited to send a resume and a motivation letter to jassy@uaic.ro by 1 June 2024.

Information on our JASSY modules is available at: http://www.uaic.ro/en/jassy/
For general inquiries, pleasewriteto jassy@uaic.ro


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